Welcome to my Blog

Find out a few of my latest thoughts and feel free to comment and engage. Would love to hear from you. 

Greetings from Ireland

Greetings from Ireland

I am writing to you today from Dublin, Ireland where I am currently based. For those of you who didn’t know about my move, my husband and I relocated to Dublin about seven weeks ago. I have been visiting family in Ireland over the last 13 years or so, and have...

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Third Eye (6th Chakra)

So here we are at the 6th Chakra, also famously known as the Third Eye.  This is the second of the spiritual Chakras, and it is connected to the pituitary, hypothalamus and the pineal glands.  It is thought that these glands are linked with, and even take direction...

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Throat Chakra (5th Chakra)

Our journey across the Chakra system continues as we move to the first of the Higher Chakras – the 5th Chakra. Let’s recap the discussion thus far: 1st Chakra: Concerned with our connection with the tribe and family; awareness of the body; key theme = survival 2nd...

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Heart Chakra (4th Chakra)

The 4th Chakra is the bridge between the lower three Chakras (which pertain to the physical concerns of the world) and the upper three Chakras (which focus on the spiritual aspects of the Self). At a body level, this Chakra is “located” close to the heart, and is...

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I am posting this from an email post of August 19, 2011. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- As I've been working with people recently, I've come across a common theme that I felt compelled to write about.  I...

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Solar Plexus Chakra (3rd Chakra)

In our journey through the Chakra system, we have moved from the tribal mind (1st Chakra) and individual consciousness (2nd Chakra), to a place where we can now begin to exert our individual energies into the world. We are now ready to express our personalities and...

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