Hi Everyone,

Happy November! It has been a wild ride this month for many of us with deep changes being foreshadowed in different aspects of our lives.  This is undoubtedly a transitional and transformational time for many people – whether we have been focused on relationships or on becoming more independent, whether we are changing careers or changing the way we think about our work, whether we are trying to create and launch new ventures or are completing on projects started years ago. Each of us may have different goals and areas of focus but we are all linked in the fact that the Universe is asking us to step up, to grow, to be clear …… and to be conscious.

Energetically, the early part of November was quite intense and even volatile. This last weekend, things seems to have been a little gentler with some calm returning to the surface. As we move into the last third of the month, more growth beckons but nothing as intense as earlier in the month. In fact there is a real opening for pure joy as we move into Thanksgiving.

We are being given the opportunity to learn to become more gentle and loving with ourSelves, especially towards the end of the month.  Can’t be a bad thing! But often we are our own worst enemies relentlessly pushing and ploughing ahead and hurting ourSelves with harsh judgments and criticisms. Take it easy! The more love you can give to yourSelf and others at this time, the more it will send a message to the Universe that you can have and Be more.

At times like these it is especially important to continue to put energy into manifesting our dreams, goals and true desires. The more we can envision and create a better world for ourSelves individually, the more we help to create good fortune and blessings for all Mankind, as we are inextricably connected.

I received wonderful feedback from several of you who tried the “21-day Mental Diet” I introduced in my last email / blog entry.  I would love to offer some tips, etc. on this process / exercise, so if you have any questions, comments or concerns please e-mail me at anarah@mac.com.  I will either answer you directly or address your questions in my next blog entry.

If you haven’t done the “21-day Mental Diet” and want to, please click on this link to begin this powerful manifestation exercise.

May you have a wonderful Thanksgiving full of love, laughter, abundance, and of course gratitude.  I look forward to connecting soon.
