
“Our remedies oft in ourselves do lie.”

– William Shakespeare 

The Chakras have been described as wheels of energy on channels located on the spine.  The Chakra System was first described in ancient Indian texts, the Upanishads and the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali.

There have been other texts and traditions including the Buddhist scriptures that describe different numbers and types of Chakras.  By far the most accepted concept in the West is that of a 7-Chakra System.

The main text that brought the concept of the seven Chakras to the West was Serpent Power written in 1919 by Arthur Avalon, an Englishman, who read and translated the texts from Sanskrit.

So what are these Chakras and why should we pay attention to them?

Chakras are concentrated vortices of energy where our consciousness meets our physiology.  To be clear, the Chakras are a concept, as they have not been anatomically observed.  However, they correspond to major nerve groupings along the spinal column.  This may change as the instruments we use to observe and measure our anatomy become more sophisticated.

Chakras are multi-dimensional in that they perform a variety of functions.  They are understood to store energy and information – they help us exist and thrive as Human Beings.  Furthermore, Chakras assist us in receiving, assimilating and expressing life force energy. Working with these powerful centers consciously and actively can help us direct our energy and ultimately transform ourSelves and what we create in the world.

The Chakras connect us to the Earth, the Cosmos as well as to each other.  The upper Chakras (numbers 5-7), give us access to the many dormant powers we are wired for e.g. precognition, conscious dreaming, telepathy and many more.  Opening the Heart Chakra (number 4) can be beneficial for self esteem as well as good relationships. Working with the lower Chakras (numbers 1-3) can help us in the material world by attaining better health, heightened passion and sexual energy, and more drive to attain goals.

I will write about the first, or Root, Chakra next week.
