I am posting this from an email post of August 19, 2011.


As I’ve been working with people recently, I’ve come across a common theme that I felt compelled to write about.  I am observing as people are working to gain more awareness and to transform themSelves, they are finding that they are STUCK in patterns that “just won’t change”.  Can you relate?

If so, this is you Higher Consciousness at work, alerting you that you’ve got some healing work to do, and bringing the matter to your attention (even repeatedly if necessary)!  This is not a punishment from the Universe – so please watch our for any “victim thoughts”.

The key here is the act of Forgiveness.  One of my favorite quotes on this subject is from Dr. Lewis Smedes who says:
“To forgive is to set the prisoner free and discover the prisoner was you.”

When we don’t forgive we expend energy on vilifying another (parent, (ex) spouse, friend, boss, co-worker, etc.).  This energy then becomes “unavailable” to us to use for manifesting our goals, creating our life, etc.  In our righteousness and our desire to hold someone responsible for something they did “to us”, we end up “chaining” ourselves to that person, to the situation and to the time frame in which the transgression occurred. Hence, Dr. Smedes’s view that we are the prisoners!

More often than not, the transgression could have occurred years ago, and our energy is tied up for the entire duration.  Wow, talk about being stuck!  And the Universe will continue sending us a steady stream of people to remind us of the unhealed “picture” and associated beliefs.  During these encounters, we are reminded of the same feelings as with the first “offender” – feeling attacked, judged, rejected, abandoned, etc.

So I’d offer you the following to reflect on:
– Forgiveness IS possible, even if you don’t know how. It can even be easy!
– Forgiving somebody doesn’t mean that you have to go back to the way the relationship was with them or to even let them back into your life.  This is entirely up to you.  You can forgive and discontinue or renew the relationship.
– You can forgive from afar, and even forgive somebody who has passed.  The other person doesn’t even have to know what you are doing!

Through the act of forgiveness, you will have more energy for yourSelf and you can attract more abundance, joy and freedom.

If you can relate to the above, please contact me.  I have been working with Forgiveness tools, and I would be honored to help you.
