So here we are at the 6th Chakra, also famously known as the Third Eye. This is the second of the spiritual Chakras, and it is connected to the pituitary, hypothalamus and the pineal glands. It is thought that these glands are linked with, and even take direction from, our higher Self and as such, they secrete hormones that affect our physical bodies accordingly.
The relationship between these Master Glands and the 6th Chakra plays a vital part in connecting our bodies with our Spirit. The power of our hormones should not be downplayed as they impact every aspect of our physical lives. The amount of energy we have, the drives and ambitions we exhibit, our mental acuity, the quality of our health, how we age and reproduce, etc.
The 6th Chakra is the center for intellect, visionary sight, discernment, clear perception, detachment and wisdom. The Third Eye is also connected very much to our physical eyes, and is thought to be an elevated vibration of our capacity “to see”.
The more Self-knowledge you acquire – by working through your issues, karma, and limiting thoughts and beliefs – the clearer you can perceive the world around you. This is one way of opening the 6th Chakra, and being able to see beyond the physical world. This ability to perceive what is not visible to the human eye is commonly referred to as clairvoyance.
While some people exhibit greater clairvoyant abilities than others, it is a fallacy to believe that this is something that one is either born with or not. This ability can be learned and developed with practice.
A key element of the Third Eye is the vibration of neutrality. This is a state in which we are free of attachment to a situation, a belief, an outcome, a person, etc. For example we may really desire a particular outcome or have some very strong beliefs about something, or we may experience fear or dread about a situation. Such attachments impact our judgments and accordingly our capacity to see. (If we think about it, it does seem intuitive – no pun intended – that this would be the case.) So honing our 6th Chakra can help us to attain a sense of detachment and neutrality.
Another way of opening to clairvoyance is meditation and conscious concentration on the Third Eye, which is located at the forehead. Certain types of meditation can help to both open this Chakra and cleanse it, thereby allowing energy to flow through with more ease (much like cleaning and opening a window would allow light and air to flow into it and through it).
An open 6th Chakra allows us to receive wisdom from our inner world – the world of our dreams, our unconscious and subconscious minds, and our imagination. Albert Einstein had much to say on imagination, and two of his quotes on the subject are:
- “Imagination is everything. It is the preview of life’s coming attractions.”
- “To know is nothing at all; to imagine is everything.”
There are various tools that we can use to work with our subconscious minds and with our imagination (e.g. visualization) in order to manifest our desires. There seems to be a clear and effective channel from the Third Eye to the subconscious mind.
If the 6th Chakra is overactive or open wide we can experience confusion, mental fogginess and information overload. Often this leads to mental exhaustion and can make it difficult for us to be effective in our lives, as we cannot focus our minds. This is a caution to those who may want to see clairvoyantly without being sufficiently prepared for how to cope with what they see. You may “receive” inaccurate information (or interpret it as such) if you have not worked through your fears (or other issues) and may be “seeing” from a state of fear, pain or other emotion that does not serve you well.
If the 6th Chakra is blocked we may experience headaches, suppressed memories, frequent nightmares, depression and anxiety. Again there is difficulty in focused thought and/or the experience of being scattered.
The emotional imbalances caused by a blocked Third Eye can be delusions, paranoid obsessions, insensitivity, excessive skepticism, problems with visualization and a lack of imagination.
Physical imbalances of blocked 6th Chakras would manifest as headaches, sinus issues, and more severely as seizures, tumors and poor vision. Poor vision can also be a side effect of diverting too much energy into perceiving through the Third Eye.
There are other forms of psychic ability linked to the 6th Chakra and these include, but are not limited to, pre– and retro-cognition, (the ability to see future and past events), telepathy (the ability to send messages and receive messages with your mind), telekinesis (the ability to move physical objects with your mind), mediumship (the ability to communicate with spirits), and remote viewing (the ability to gather information from a distance).
**Clairvoyance is much more than simply seeing into the future and predicting what may happen.**
Not all psychic abilities are connected to the 6th Chakra – some are associated with the 2nd Chakra (clairsentience – feelings/gut), 5th Chakra (clairaudience – hearing) and 7th Chakra (knowingness).
If you want to start working with the Third Eye, then here are a couple of suggestions:
- Sit quietly in a meditative state and focus your attention on the 6th Chakra (situated on your forehead, above your eyes)
- Practice using your imagination: You can start by visualizing colors or objects in your mind’s eye. Then you can get more creative and visualize yourself in certain situations (e.g. receiving flowers, getting a raise, hitting a hole in one, etc.)
Remember, these are meant to simply kick start your 6th Chakra awareness … have fun and do let me know about your experiences!