Hi Everyone

Hope you are all having a wonderful December!

I wanted to thank those of you who contacted me with questions and comments about the 21-day mental diet, following my last email.  I have responded via e-mail to those of you with questions on visualization techniques.

Today, I want to provide a different perspective on the Manifestation process, and in particularly address the topic of Receiving or Allowing our Goals to Manifest.

To begin with, think about Manifestation as a three-phase process.

Step 1 is the Outflow, where we put out to the Universe, and to our Subconscious Minds, what we truly desire.  This can take the form of writing out our goals daily (as with the 21-day plan), or through the use of visualization or affirmation techniques. This step requires absolute clarity of the desired outcome(s).

In this step we also release our desires and goals to the Universe, and hold an intention for these goals to materialize in our lives.  In essence, we are creating our desires in Spirit form.  My view of the Universe is that everything is created in Spirit first, and then on the Physical/ Material plane.

Step 2 is the Pause, where the Universe is organizing, arranging and even re-arranging the Cosmic Flow to cause certain events and situations to occur, for helpful people to show up into your lives, new ideas / action steps to emerge, etc. so that your desires can become Manifest in Physical or Material form.

Staying focused on positive, supportive thoughts (e.g. abundance, ease, love), helping others to achieve their goals, and sending prayers and blessings are great ways to assist in this phase.

The final part, Step 3, is the Inflow, where we Receive that which we are after; it is in this part of the Manifestation process that our goals are Manifest.

** A caveat: Please continue to take action steps in support of our goals throughout the process.  Do not think of Steps 2 and 3 as times to stop taking action (Physical) and simply waiting for the outcome.  Whatever your goal is, keep going with your action plan (working out, writing your book, saving for a home/car, etc.) … as long as there are actions/tasks for you to complete. **

In my experience, people can be very focused on Step 1 – continuing to put out what they want to the Universe.  The challenges usually occur in Steps 2 and 3 – where people hit up against either one or both of these issues: i) a need for control and ii) issues around deserve / worth.

In the Pause and Inflow, there is no space or really even a need for control – it is really about Surrendering to the Universe.  And the issue around self-worth – which is really a belief that we don’t deserve what we desire – is unfortunately all too prevalent in our society.

Here is a quick test you can do to check on your capacity to Receive what you say you desire: Hold the “picture” or visual image of you having your goal for 33 seconds. This involves seeing yourself fully realized in your goal and visualizing this outcome in a bubble close to your heart (not in your heart though!).

If you are unable to hold this image for 33 seconds, there may be an issue around your level of clarity for what you desire.  Or, it may be that you are hitting on a belief about deserving the outcome.  If this is the case, don’t worry, for there is an opportunity to do some internal work to uncover the core issue and to do some healing.

Remember, this is all a learning process, a growing process. We are here to learn and grow and this is a vital part of our reason for being here on Earth.

As I work with my clients, I am increasingly working on what I call “People’s Stories” – this is the very personal story that we each create when we are young.  A story of our parents, our family life, who we are are, how we are, what we believe, how the world is, etc.  And it is fascinating to me how these stories play out in our lives, if we don’t modify them, as we become adults. <This will be a topic for a future blog.>

I bring this up now, because so often our stories impact our ability to create and live successful lives, the lives that we say we want to live.  Again, the good news is that we can heal and even change or rewrite our Stories, and open ourselves up to Receive the bounty of the Universe.

For now, keep on moving forward and be the incredible Creators that you are.  You will know your goals are coming to you when you begin to experience movement in your life and when small messages come your way. It is very important to validate yourself for any and all achievements towards your goal(s) at this time. Proceed without doubt and ACT as if no other outcome is possible than the one you are after.  And remember, stay open to Receive!

Love and Peace,