Have you heard the term, “before times”? I’ve heard it a few times recently. It references life before the pandemic and before all the other challenges of the last few years. I’ve also heard a some people say that they want to be back in those days, and even back in previous decades.

This may show up in a variety of ways. Externally it may show up as a hankering to watch or consume TV shows, movies, foods, treats, etc. from a happier, simpler time. The popularity of the “Friends” reunion was an example of this.

Wanting to reconnect to the way it used to be before we collectively began the to face the challenges that we are facing now is a way to sooth our frazzled, overloaded nervous systems. It is normal and it’s okay!

The past was definitely not perfect. There were many aspects that obviously needed to be addressed and changed; however it did feel easier then. It feels good to acknowledge this instead of just forging on and battling through this moment in our collective history.

Take a moment and become present to how much stress you may be carrying. Breathe it out and then repeat three more times. Sometimes meditation feels like it’s too much. Taking three really deep breaths is an easy way to help yourself.

Remember we are connected, so we feel energy and emotions collectively, whether this is consciously or unconsciously. You may be carrying more than your own emotions. Releasing heavy energy through breath and visualization can and does help.

Remember to see a great future for yourself and for us all collectively. Our thoughts do matter, and believing in bright possibilities is so important, especially now. If we see it we can move towards it by taking action that aligns with and supports our vision.

My wish for you is that you can find lots of happiness and joy this summer. Hopefully you can enjoy some simple pleasures like ice cream on a sunny day, being in the great outdoors, and holding your loved ones close.

BTW I’m taking August away from writing and working so you will hear from me again after Labor Day.

Next Soul Cafe on Sept 9th!

Peace and Love,
Holding Space in the World for more Self Compassion and Love