Why Prime Potential?

Why Prime Potential?

Imagine a child in a womb. That child is immersed physically, mentally and energetically in a system. That system is the mother’s body, her physical biology, and what she’s ingesting on many levels. Her heart rate, breathing patterns, genetics, hormones, etc., affect the fetus in real time.

Dr. Bruce Lipton (a cellular biologist) has conducted many groundbreaking experiments in the study of child and fetal biology. For instance, he has measured brain wave patterns in children zero to six years of age, and found that their brain waves are in Delta and Theta frequencies. These are the brain wave patterns associated with deep hypnosis!

Deep hypnotic states have many attributes. One of these is the ability to take in large amounts of information without having to go through a conscious learning process. This is actually a very useful adaptive mechanism for humans so that we can quickly make sense of our world for our physical survival, since we don’t learn – as the young of some animals do – to stand, walk and even run within minutes of birth. We need to learn to make meaning, correlations and to understand what to do for our physical and emotional survival.

This can be considered to be a type of “programming” that helps us to automatically navigate the world in which we live!

This programming starts with the mother (even as early as in vitro) and then through the rest of the family, community, neighborhood, schools, religious affiliations, etc. (with all the various existing belief systems). This process continues throughout our childhood and into puberty.

Unfortunately, not all the programming is beneficial or helpful because it comes through the limiting points of view of the source (family, community, etc.). For example learned gender / societal roles, family traumas, and other limitations around Self and others. These can be passed down through generations subconsciously without the child having an awareness of the programming.

If these limited beliefs are not altered or released by some means, they become the “reality” for the person, i.e. “this is the way life is/works”.

Once these beliefs are instilled, and especially if they are reinforced through trauma, they stay in the subconscious mind. The beliefs remain invisible and silent, without the person’s permission or understanding as to the reasons behind why they believe what they do. The subconscious mind does not judge right or wrong – it is very literal and simply follows the operating manual.

We all naturally, subconsciously scan for danger, but for those with more trauma, this scanning will be more prevalent and will take its toll in many areas of life. It can be especially damaging to relationships when, for example, there are triggered responses to perceived judgments, criticisms, expectations, anger, abandonment etc.

Prime Potential was designed to quickly and effectively release trauma, programming and pain that hold an individual back from engaging in healthy, loving communications and actions.

Prime Potential also replaces the old operating system with an updated program. The new program is put into place experientially into the subconscious mind i.e. there is little need for conscious relearning. It feels like and effortless change and a reset to the system.

The Program is designed so that people can move out of the ego (which is based on fear, survival, and limitation) and access their Authentic Self (which operates from Love, expansion, and freedom).

Clients that have gone through Prime Potential report being able to access an effortless flow in their lives. For example, relationships that were full of effort and/or pain become permanently changed to having a sense of ease and Love. For others, lack of motivation became a thing of the past as old fears of judgment as well as failure/success no longer held them back.

There are many reported success stories of the release from anxiety, emotional pain and even physical symptoms. And all this, leads to cascading effects on other areas of life such as improved relationships, new career opportunities, heightened self-confidence, and more energy!

Click here to set up a free consultation with Anarah!

Change in Consciousness: The New Renaissance

Change in Consciousness: The New Renaissance

Happy 12-12-12!  In the days leading to the much maligned End of Mayan Calendar (12-21-12), I thought I would share this inspirational message from Jean Houston:

I think there is no question that many if not all have been wounded, in part because we have lived too much, too…

Posted by Jean Houston Page (Official) on Wednesday, December 12, 2012

I am  a firm believer that we are not at the “end of the world”, but simply at the end of a chapter in human development.  We are at the threshold of a quantum leap in Human Consciousness – a truly exciting time as we have the potential to become aware of our hidden abilities and to expand our Wisdom and our Power.