A Time of Change

A Time of Change

Hi Everyone,

Happy November! It has been a wild ride this month for many of us with deep changes being foreshadowed in different aspects of our lives.  This is undoubtedly a transitional and transformational time for many people – whether we have been focused on relationships or on becoming more independent, whether we are changing careers or changing the way we think about our work, whether we are trying to create and launch new ventures or are completing on projects started years ago. Each of us may have different goals and areas of focus but we are all linked in the fact that the Universe is asking us to step up, to grow, to be clear …… and to be conscious.

Energetically, the early part of November was quite intense and even volatile. This last weekend, things seems to have been a little gentler with some calm returning to the surface. As we move into the last third of the month, more growth beckons but nothing as intense as earlier in the month. In fact there is a real opening for pure joy as we move into Thanksgiving.

We are being given the opportunity to learn to become more gentle and loving with ourSelves, especially towards the end of the month.  Can’t be a bad thing! But often we are our own worst enemies relentlessly pushing and ploughing ahead and hurting ourSelves with harsh judgments and criticisms. Take it easy! The more love you can give to yourSelf and others at this time, the more it will send a message to the Universe that you can have and Be more.

At times like these it is especially important to continue to put energy into manifesting our dreams, goals and true desires. The more we can envision and create a better world for ourSelves individually, the more we help to create good fortune and blessings for all Mankind, as we are inextricably connected.

I received wonderful feedback from several of you who tried the “21-day Mental Diet” I introduced in my last email / blog entry.  I would love to offer some tips, etc. on this process / exercise, so if you have any questions, comments or concerns please e-mail me at anarah@mac.com.  I will either answer you directly or address your questions in my next blog entry.

If you haven’t done the “21-day Mental Diet” and want to, please click on this link to begin this powerful manifestation exercise.

May you have a wonderful Thanksgiving full of love, laughter, abundance, and of course gratitude.  I look forward to connecting soon.

Ready to Manifest?

Ready to Manifest?

Hi everyone,

I am really excited to share with you a very powerful exercise / program that I have recently discovered – it’s about manifesting and achieving your goals!

As some of you may know, I have been using visualization techniques since I was 10 years old.  As a child I spontaneously started to hold “pictures” in my mind for outcomes I wanted in the future, and I was able to realize my heartfelt desires in this way.  I have since studied many different manifestation tools and philosophies, (and taught some workshops along the way.) Needless to say, I love to learn new skills and practices on this subject.

My husband recently introduced me to Brian Tracy’s 21-day Mental Diet, which is geared toward this very subject.  To be honest, at first I resisted it as I thought it would be all about doing more and “working harder” (this doesn’t work for me as I am big on ease and am part of the “no effort” school of manifesting)!  As a society, I believe we use too much of our male/doing/analyzing side, and we could be more balanced by bringing in our female/being/creative aspect. You can read my blog on Male and Female Energy here.

In any event, I gave the program a try and I have become hooked!  Having completed 21 days, I have recommitted for another 21!  I found that the practices prescribed in the program have helped me to become clearer about my true desires, and the life experiences I most want to create.  Also the program helped me to stay focused and connected to what is important in my life and to take appropriate action steps to achieve my desired goals.

I know many of you are in the midst of significant changes and/or are working on some big goals, so I wanted to share this with you.  I would highly recommend that you check out the program and give it a shot.  You can read about it by clicking on this link.

There are many components that go into designing and living a great life: it requires clarity, creating a vision, setting goals, working to release blocks and negative beliefs so you can receive what you want. Oh and taking the small action steps daily to make it happen.  Yes, there is work involved!  But the alternative is living a frustrated life being at the effect of all the forces around you!

The process can be overwhelming and difficult at times!  Please know that you are not alone in this work and that I am here for you – to help you get clear on your goals, to help work the energy around your belief systems and to keep you on track to get what you say is important to you.  So don’t hesitate to contact me if you need some help!

If you do decide to try the 21-day plan, please let me know.  I’d love to stay in touch with you during the three weeks and would be happy to share with you what worked for me and to offer you my encouragement along the way.

Wishing you much abundance and joy,


Greetings from Ireland

Greetings from Ireland

I am writing to you today from Dublin, Ireland where I am currently based. For those of you who didn’t know about my move, my husband and I relocated to Dublin about seven weeks ago.

I have been visiting family in Ireland over the last 13 years or so, and have witnessed the changes in the Irish economy firsthand.  In the boom days of the Celtic Tiger (as it was called), from 1995 to 2007, Ireland went from one of Europe’s poorest countries to one of its wealthiest!

However, much like several other European nations, Ireland has had to shift gears as the country has experienced a significant downturn over the past four years.  Housing prices have dropped 40%+ and unemployment stands at 14% (significantly more than the current U.S unemployment rate).

Through the changing fortunes of the country and its people, I have had the opportunity to observe the Irish people and seen their amazing spirit.

On my first visit to Ireland in September 1999, I visited Dublin and other towns like Limerick and Galway.  The countryside is green and picturesque.  However, I would not classify Ireland among the more beautiful places I have seen.  The architecture and the food were certainly not the best that Europe has to offer.

From its history, we can learn that Ireland has had to contend with a difficult past – challenging economic conditions/poverty, the infamous potato famine and “the troubles” with the English were among the many problems the Irish had struggled with over the years.

However I found myself struck by the Irish people.  They all looked beautiful to me!  They seemed truly happy, much happier than people I had seen in the other parts of the world.

Some of them looked like they had lived with much hardship in life, but this had not dampened their spirits.  And this is true today as well, during a time of major crisis.  There is no shortage of smiles, of helpful words or even funny stories to be told.

Before our first trip to Dublin, we had heard stories of the notorious Irish drinking, and we thought we should be careful when we ventured out in the evenings.  What we found was that once the drinking began, the singing followed!  The music was warm and enlivening and very inclusive. It had a communal sprit to it that bound everyone together and created joy.

I’m not sure what the “X factor” is in the Irish people i.e. what makes them so resilient and joyous.  What I do know is that there is magic in the country.  I see a lot of Prana (life force energy) in some of the trees.  I see roadside shrines to Mother Mary in the most unlikely places, like near the docks!  I see people’s eyes twinkle when they talk of Leprechauns (and they do talk about Leprechauns quite a bit)!

The research I have done so far informs me that the Irish have a sacred oral tradition that was passed from generation to generation through stories and songs that spoke of a “Golden Age of Man”, when there was no war or pain.  Instead abundance, joy and learning were the main attributes of that era.  (This Age is written of in several ancient cultures like the Indian Vedic tradition and the Greek tradition.)

The oral tradition also speaks of a history dating to the time before Noah.  It mentions the people of the Goddess Danu who lived in Ireland and who were defeated by invaders and were literally driven underground to emerge as the Fairy people of later myth and legend.

What I have concluded and offer to you is that the Irish seem to have mastered several lessons, and I think we can all learn from them:

1) Everything has its time and place.  Wealth and fortune may come and go; there is a cycle for everything.

2) Do not despair for there is magic in the air!  Let God/Goddess fill you and renew you.  That is true wealth!  You have it NOW and it can never be taken from you, for you are a special part of it yourself.

3) Laugh, dance and celebrate life for it is all but a Fairy’s dream!   When you have joy your vibration is raised, your troubles don’t appear to be that big and life can be enjoyed.  You can experience gratitude for all that you have.

I continue to work from Dublin and am available for sessions over the phone.  I am constantly struck with profound gratitude that this can be possible and that I can stay connected with you all.  Thank the Universe/God for the Internet and technology! (Or the Great Leprechaun, or whoever is really in charge – ha ha!)

Wishing you much magic and laughter,
